April 3, 2009

END WAR, END NATO and G20 photo essay

Across the country, protests are planned against the war in Afghanistan and NATO.
A statement from the Regina peace Council is on the Canadian Peace Congress website.

Examples of cities with actions are Halifax and Winnipeg.

In halifax:

Saturday, April 4, 2009 from 1pm until 2pm.
Intersection of South Park and Spring Garden.
Intersection of South Park and Spring Garden Rd. Halifax Join our crosswalk banner action and leaflet. 

In Winnipeg, two events are planned for April 4th.

The first is a debate about NATO being put on by Peace Alliance Winnipeg.  It will be informative and held at St. Mathews Anglican Church at 1pm.


The theme of the rally is to demand that Canada leave NATO and withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.

Date: Saturday, April 4, 2009
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Place: U.S. consulate in Winnipeg (corner of Portage Ave. & Notre Dame Avenue)
Sponsor: Manitoba Peace Council

Everyone is welcome. Bring your family, friends, workmates, placards,  and banners.

More on these events are on the Peace Alliance Winnipeg website.

These protests are global.  A reminder of that are the resistance camps set up by activists in Strasbourg, France.  Strasbourg is one of the NATO summit sites.


The following photos of the London protests are from Indymedia:

clashes with police

 above: a view of the climate camp at the protests
 above: clown bankers 

This sure has been a busy week: the G20 summit, another Greek General Strike, and the Anti-NATO protests among others.

[edited on April 6th 2009, Italian protest of  April 4th added below]

Well, more busy than I thought.  The People's Weekly World reports 2.7 million marched through the streets of Rome on the weekend.  Protests in New York and Chicago as well.

it's in Italian, but the images say it all.

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