February 22, 2009

Letter from "The Student School"

Please note that contrary to what the National Post has written, this message was simply an email circulated broadly on the left. Slopppy journalism and cheap red-baiting NP! Your attempts to smear an honest solidarity campaign, by saying that criticism of the racist Zionist state of Israel is anti-semetic, doesn't cut ice. We will be issuing a full statment soon.

Hello Friends
I thought it important that you know about what’s going on with our school.
About a year and a half ago, our students, at our regular “all school” Council meetings, passed several motions ( most unanimously) regarding Israeli apartheid.
They included inviting members of S(students)AIA to speak, the showing of “ Occupation 101”,
A motion to support CAIA and a motion to boycott Chapters/Indigo. We had a very active committee and some of our students helped to form H(high schools)AIA.
A mother of a former student complained about our activities. We stood firm and after about a month of “investigation” we were allowed to keep our posters, stickers etc on the walls. We, as a council, reconfirmed our support of CAIA.
During this time B’nai Brith’s “Jewish Tribune” wrote 3 or 4 articles about our school (you can imagine)
We are now taking flak again. One of our students (no longer in the school) wrote an article for “Canadian Dimension” that was published last September (see link below).
Apparently someone from B”nai Brith got a copy of this article, contacted TDSB, and its hit the fan again. Last week the Tribune wrote another article (see link below) attacking U of T students and our school. We’re holding our own, and have relayed to the Board (through the Principal) that we will continue our social justice activities on this and other issues.
I thought you might be interested!
Keep up the good work!! John Morton

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