October 30, 2008

Freedom of the media violated at CKLN! No to Right Wing Censorship!

Freedom of the media violated at CKLN! No to Right Wing Censorship!


The crisis of governance at CKLN Campus/Community Radio continues to escalate. The illegal of Board of Directors has called  an


Annual General meeting:

Wednesday, October 29th at 7 pm in Oakham House, Room G.

Agenda: Financial Report

               Union negotiations

               Election of Community Reps to the Board of Directors


Oakham House is part of Ryerson University campus at Gould/ Church.

Station Manager Mike Phillips has called this meeting.  As "dismissed" volunteers and community supporters, we strongly object to this Staff Meeting for these reasons:


Mike Phillips, Interim Station Manager, has no legal authority to call a CKLN Annual General Meeting, because he was democratically voted out of office by an overwhelming 90% majority in a non-confidence motion on January 23, 2008 at a Special General Meeting called by the membership in accordance with CKLN by-laws. Nevertheless Phillips and a right wing clique have occupied the radio station from January until now and are violating the mandate of the station to be an inclusive and progressive station and a voice for marginalized communities in Toronto. Programming has deteriorated as indicated by the failure of this illegal board to raise adequate money at the recent Fund fest and the withholding of the student levy to the station by Ryerson Students Union.   


At previous meetings Metro Police have been employed to bar the new board and its supporters from participating. We intend to challenge this exclusion on October 29th.


We therefore ask all "dismissed" CKLN volunteer programmers, hosts and staff (35 so far) and concerned community supporters of CKLN and Ryerson students to attend the Annual General Meeting Wednesday October 29th at 7pm. Our purpose is to publicize and protest against this meeting as illegitimate and biased, a mockery of the democratic process, a complete sham!



Catherine Holliday 416 533 6630 catherine.holliday@utoronto.ca

Owen Leach

Don Weitz  dweitz@rogers.com

(Dismissed volunteers and community supporters)


  Take Back Our Radio Association For Immediate Release    October 27, 2008

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