March 9, 2006

International Women’s Day

(WFDY) World Federation of Democratic Youth’s Salute
8th of March – International Women’s Day

On the occasion of this historical day WFDY extends its greetings to all the women all over the world and expresses its militant solidarity with all the movements launched by the courageous women in various countries.

The 20th century can be considered a century that is marked by great conquers on the women’s rights. Nowadays they participate in all the spheres of life but is also true that the women remain to be strongly discriminated and under to a minor status in the society and in the family despite of the formal proclamation of gender equity between man and women. It is believed that many positive steps towards women's empowerment have been made, but still much remains to be done.

It is widely recognized that the issues of young women are diverse and varied, yet there are commonalities that link their experience throughout the world. They are affected by human rights violations including lack of access to information and education, discrimination on employment opportunities and rights, imbalance of economic power, violence, human trafficking, sexual exploitation, negative portrayal in the media, poverty, situations of armed conflict and post conflict, limited access to decision-making process, cultural, religious, social, political and economic barriers to young women's empowerment, sustainability of environmental resources, and lack of access to proper health care and sexual and reproductive health rights and education. Additionally, young women face discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, refugee status, disability, age, class, race, education, language, ethnicity, religion, political ideology, socio-economic class, caste, marital status, HIV status, occupation and physical appearance. Young women's rights are human rights.

Nowadays as in the past the women’s struggle and the reinforcement of their organizations assume an extraordinary importance for their emancipation as well as on the struggle for peace, self-determination, independence and sovereignty, international solidarity, justice, freedom, democracy and social progress. The emancipation of the women became an aspiration and a demand that mobilizes wide progressive sectors. We don’t see this date as day to pay a little bit more attention to the women and their problems but a moment that celebrates the long and brave role of women and their struggle.

WFDY strongly opposes and works against all forms of discrimination against women of the world and reaffirms its stand for the equal participation and rights for the women in all sectors of life and society. WFDY believes that it is essential that the participation of women within our movement be increased and that equality of the gender should be guaranteed. This principle will strengthen our movement. Hence, we commit ourselves to continue the struggle for the advancement of women's rights.

Coordinating Council / Headquarters of WFDY

Budapest, 8th of March 2006

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