February 7, 2006

Support the World Peace Forum

Mayor Sam Sullivan and the NPA-led City Council has used its majority to rescind the City’s commitment to host mayors from around the world for a General Assembly of the International Association of Peace Messenger Cities (IAPMC) and the Mayors for Peace in conjunction with the World Peace Forum 2006.

The Young Communist League fully supports the World Peace Forum as an opportunity to present Vancouver as a city of peace.

Sadly, Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan has broken another commitment he made during the election campaign. He promised to respect and honour the decisions and commitments of the previous Mayor and Council of Vancouver.

Right on the heels of reducing the amount of subsidized housing in False Creek as a legacy from the 2010 Olympics, this new council has decided to withdraw its funding and support for the World Peace Forum in Vancouver this June.

Solidarity is urgently needed from all progressive forces to let them know your outrage

Please send your letter to Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan and Vancouver City Council.

Click this link to take action now!!

Peace, Jobs, Socialism- a life with a future

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