February 6, 2006

Stop Illegalization of Czech Communists!

Stop the Ban on Czech Communist Youth!
Join the Canada-wide Day of Protest, Feb. 14th!

In recent years, especially since the events of September 11, 2001, the people of the world have faced increased repression by capitalist governments under the guise of the “war on terror”. The patriot act in the United States, Bill C-26 and Security Certificates here in Canada and the anti-communist resolution of PACE in Europe are examples of an offensive against dissent and against the rights and freedoms of the people. Today, the Communist Youth of the Czech Republic (KSM) are being outlawed by the Czech government.

The Young Communist League urges all progressive and democratic people to join us in protesting this blatant attempt to eliminate dissenting, progressive and revolutionary voices.

Join us February 14th at the Czech Consulate and make your voice heard!

February 14th
Outside of the Czech Consulates across Canada

For more information, or to help with this demonstration, please call 778-231-4635 or e-mail ycl_ljc@ycl-ljc.ca or Young Communist League Canada

Join the Movement
Young Communist League


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